
(021) 345 678
Voob Construction is happy to provide estimates on a job-by-job basis. There is not set price, as projects vary in scope and there are multitudes of variables regarding the amount we would charge.
Our availability fluctuates all the time. The best thing to do is to phone us (604-889-8469) to discuss our schedule, scope of services, and pricing.
Voob Construction and Maintenance possesses many certifications and accreditations, and our staff are constantly upgrading their accreditations so that we can provide the highest level of service that is compliant to the most up-to-date codes and regulations, and so that we can offer our clients the latest in high efficiency technology and related services.
Our professionals have been servicing the Lower Mainland / Greater Vancouver for over twenty years. During that time we have also undertaken many projects in different regions of BC, in neighboring provinces, and even internationally in Europe..
Absolutely! We carry the cerficiations and insurace that allow us to undertake every project that we take on. Contact us for additional information.
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